Saturday, April 11, 2009

Macho City!!

MACHO CITY's Detroit debut was a smashing success! Thanks to everyone for coming out and making it so.

We've never seen the R&R more packed.

The next Macho City is Friday, April 24th.
With special guest DJ, Chuck Hampton.
Chuck's residency at Ann Arbor's Nectarine club is legendary. His Disco edits, under the alias Gay Marvine, are required listening. We're honored to have him.

Also, we're bringing in a new sound system. The sound wasn't bad but it wasn't that great either. The speakers on the main floor were somewhat muffled so we will have a brand new system in place for this one, we promise.

Friday, April 24th

DJs, Mike Trombley & Scott Zacharias
+ special guest bruiser, Chuck Hampton (Ann Arbor)

at the R&R Saloon on 7730 Michigan Ave.

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